Motherboard - sometimes know as the mainboard, all the computer componets connects to this, provides connectors for other peripherals. There are various types of motherboard depending on the componets to be used. like when you preffer a type of Processor to be use, there are different socket types depending on the manufactures and model. Some motherboard have a built in graphics and sound chipsets embedded on.
Processor - central processing unit of the system which processes the data to transmits to all the PC component. this serves as the mind of the system.
Storage Drive - where you stores data and files permanently.
Memory - Random-access memory (RAM) is a form of computer data storage. allows stored data to be accessed quickly.
Power Supply - provides all of the different voltages your computer needs to operate properly.
Video Card - also called a video adapter, display card, graphics card.
Sound Card, a device in a computer that outputs visual information to the monitor.
Computer Case - also known as a "computer chassis", "tower case", "system unit", "base unit" or simply "case". case is the usually plastic or metal housing that contains the computer's main parts such as the motherboard, hard drive, etc. to keep it in one box.
Display/Monitor - an electronic visual display for computers come in different sizes and kinds. connects via cable from the graphics port.
Mouse - a pointing device, considered as an input device, use to control or navigate a computer by moving, move or select items on screen by pressing the mouse buttons by clicking. Typically connects wirelessly or via USB or PS2 connector.
Keyboard - a device used to input text into a computer. Also typically connects wirelessly or via USB or PS2 connector.
Speaker - outputs audio sound in a computer system. connects via audio cable.
Microphone - input device to make the computer connvert audio to electrical signal. be continued...
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